
Friday, October 15, 2010

a song

If I could gift to you a song to tell you where I've been,
I would.
With nothing but rhythm to tell you the story,
And creation's tempo to keep the time.
I'd ask you to close your eyes and touch the wordless lyrics
As the symphony infiltrates your spirit allowing you to see.
With the swinging sounds I'd take you to see the mountain tops and the valleys.
From the beats you'd understand how these memories have been weaved into my soul.
The melody would lift you up and carry you as it carries me onward in my journey.
If you took the time to listen carefully,
The harmony would reveal the elements of my essence.
The moment's movement would melt away the walls I've built and the fears I hold,
So that you could reach down and touch the rhythm of my pulsing of my heart
If that was what you desired to do.
My nakedness would linger until the music ended.
Then when it was finished,
I would thank you for listening.

1 comment:

  1. "My nakedness would linger until the music ended.
    Then when it was finished,
    I would thank you for listening."

    I see the G-d in you.
