
Saturday, September 11, 2010

percolating thoughts (#2)

['Percolating thoughts' is an on-going collection of quotes I have found and gained wisdom from.  These are the ones that I've recently discovered and that I'm currently sitting with and reflecting on...]

"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do."

"The journey by which we discover God is also the journey by which we discover, or uncover, our true hidden self in God."
-Esther de Waal

"An important aspect of emotional maturity is being assertive--not rude or aggressive-- in managing your relationships."
-Dr. Phil

"Learning to trust life is like learning to swim.  First you flail, convinced you're going to drown.  Then you notice that if you calm down, it's possible to tread water.  Finally, as your movements slow, you realize something much more profound.  When you let go completely and just relax, you find that you are magically held up by water.  It was ready to support you all the time."
-James Baraz

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